Tuesday, August 3, 2010

July Recap

Hey Gang,

July was pretty meh on the poker front but awesome on the life front. I only got in about 50k hands at 100NL for a whopping +1200. Started the month off running terrible and it sort of evened out in the end. I blame the lack of volume with a trip to Vegas as well as my birthday at the end of the month. It definitely is really hard to get back into grinding when you take more than a few days off from the game. I just couldn't get any traction after getting back from Vegas. I feel like I won't be able to get many hands in for August either with.... the release of SC2! If anyone out there wants to play, hit me up!

Plans for August are to play at least a little bit but I already know the majority of my time will be spent on SC2. Hopefully I can grind out some profit at tables at the same time hittin diamond league in SC.

