Monday, October 4, 2010

September Recap

Hey Gang,

September started off pretty bad and thanks to Brian, was saved at the end. Pretty much I was just burning money and Brian helped me plug some leaks and I feel like I'm gonna just crush in October.

In other news, Pokerstars has decided to stop serving residents of Washington state. Pretty shitty huh? So I'm anticipating that FTP will be doing the same soon so I will be trying to grind as much as possible as well as finding a solution to this problem.

I haven't been playing as much Starcraft lately but the games we have played, we have been doing a lot better. Couple of the guys probably got coaching or something because they have been carrying our team. Time to ride their coattails to diamond!


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Again I'd like to thank Brian for helping me out! You can tell where he started sweating me and the rest is history.


4ptbb+ @ 100NL
Top 50 winner at 100NL

Hope you guys had a great September!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

famous woot